Frequently asked questions

How do I book an appointment?

You can complete the BOOK NOW form, email to or text.

Make sure to review the artist’s portfolio, it’s better to work when the client’s idea matches the artist’s style.

Yes, we are entirely compromised, certified and licensed. Plus, every year we get trained in BBP (Blood Borne Pathogens)

This is a challenging question due to the many variables involved; Rate of the artist, your idea, details, size of your tattoo project, etc. I recommend to make plans/budget monthly if you’re planning on a big scale project.

Nope not at all… Just kidding, YES, you are going to feel a constant discomfort that can possibly increase after many hours of tattooing. It can also be less intense or more intense depending on where on your body you are getting tattooed.

I recommend to get a good sleep the night before, eat a full meal prior to your appointment, bring snacks to eat during the session breaks (trust me, you are going to need them), drink plenty of water, do not drink any alcohol before or during your appointment and make sure to wear comfy clothes.

It can vary depending on the artist, I use the Second Skin Bandage and recommend to keep it for at least 7 days on. When you take it off, your tattoo is almost fully healed and after that requires only moisturizer, I always recommend HUSTLEBUTTER DELUXE.

Yes! And we recommend it, it’s better to make sure that your idea will match the artist’s style.

Yes you can, although this should be minor changes that are coherent to what you initially booked for. That’s why an in person consultation (or Video Call if you are from out of town) is most of the times required before getting your tattoo session(s) booked.

Yes it is possible, Cover-ups are possible if planned correctly. Laser removal is an extra step you can take in order to increase your chances of getting a better FRESH RESTART.

You can reschedule your appointment as long as you give notice to the artist or studio at least 7 days before if you are booking multiple days in-a-row sessions (large scale projects). Of course if the reason you need to reschedule or cancel is due to unforeseen circumstances we can always find a fair resolution. Communicating is the key.